10 Things YEBies Should Know About Debt, Credit, & Credit Scores
- Getting a credit report frequently will not negatively affect your score.
- If you cosign on a loan the creditor will come after you.
- Your credit card account does not only activate when you call the toll-free number, but also soon as they send it out to you.
- Your credit score will never merged with your significant other unless it is on a joint purchase.
- Getting a credit report frequently will not negatively affect your score.
- Small fines can affect your credit score like any other unpaid other late fees or fines. (Ex. library overdue book fees & parking tickets)
- Do not close a credit cards just because you've maxed it out.
- Do not stop using a credit card because you're trying to pay it off.
- Paying off your debt does not automatically put you in the good books.
- Create a system for your debt so you can pay more than the minimum payment each month if you ever hope to pay off your credit card and any other debts.
Bonus: Here's a freestyle I had up on here earlier from Konfidential aka KhaliefKhadafi where he drops some economic jewels