"You Either Build or Destroy, Where You Come From?"

Yes I am still alive and at it. Our train is still running on schedule. A lot is going on right now, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I’m in the midst of redesigning the site, working on collaborate projects and programs with some great folks, and making sure YEBies is every I want this to be and everything you guys need it to be as well. There are countless people that are helping make this possible no other reason then because they also believe in what's about to happen. To you guys I say thank you and I am eternally grateful for your help and support. To all the artists that continue to show me love with your music, pictures, and videos thank you as well. Just because I'm not posting right now doesn't mean I'm not listening or paying attention to your craft. You can keep in touch with me on the daily HERE or the site HERE. For now continue to go through the site looking for old goodies and add on us on FACEBOOK as well as any other social media account we have up that you are connected with.

Peace and love as always. Thanks for checking up and staying in the loop. Yall know if there's anything you need or want to toss this way hit me up, Yebies@gmail.com.

"I move forward the only direction
cant be scared to fail Search and perfection

P.S. Go get that new Theo Martins like right now from HERE.

Daniel Kawah